The Upper Rio FM society has updated its privacy policy.
A new “Presentations” page has been added. The page has / will have presentations from past meetings.
Mathias Gibbens, K0WBG, gave a presentation on activities with the New Mexico Space Studies group. Technical difficulties prevented our Mathias from showing his slides. That presentation can be access here.
The April 10, 2018 General Meeting will feature Dick Powell, AD5CS. Dick will make a presentation on N5VA – the station local HAMs operate at the Albuquerque VA hospital.
More details to follow as we get closer.
Club volunteers have been busy doing great work to get the Capilla repeater back online. The tower has been rebuilt to its full height. After two un-successful trips to the site (strong winds made tower work unsafe), the winds finally cooperated and all the antennas were installed. The rebuilt repeater was checked out by Paul […]
The Upper Rio FM Society has issued its first email / online newsletter. Click here to see the newsletter. If you are not receiving the newsletter in your email there is a button on that page you can use to subscribe.
August 9, 2014: The Hub linking computer is now back online. All linking features should be operational.
July 31, 2014: The Hub computer suffered a hard disk driver controller failure on July 30. The computer is being repaired but until that is complete the linking system will not operate. Please note that individual repeaters will continue to work. They just cannot be linked together. We hope to bring the linking system back […]
The next meeting of the Upper Rio FM Society will be Tuesday October 14, 2014.
Please note the meeting start time has changed.
Meetings will now start at 6:30.
The next meeting of the Upper Rio FM Society will be Tuesday July 8, 2014.
Please not the meeting start time has changed.
Meetings will now start at 6:30.
Membership Status
View an abbreviated copy of the membership roster to check the status of your membership.
Repeater Network Outages and issues
Repeater Site Status
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Post Archives
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